Parents Weekend 2022 @ MSOE

This weekend was the weekend that it’s OK for Trevor and Calvin to be seen with their parents at college. It was a great time for Jen and Dan to spend some time with the boys and we even rented an apartment for the weekend. Trevor played in the pep band for a volleyball game, we watched a soccer game together, and both nights we spent some time at the apartment doing family things like playing Exploding Kittens and watching Netflix. Here’s some photos and a video of Trevor playing bass drum in the pep band.

Watching a soccer game together.
Chillin’ together with some snacks and phones.
MSOE Pep Band. Trevor is standing in the first row of the bleachers playing the bass drum.
Dan and Jen on the balcony of the apartment we rented for the weekend.
View of Milwaukee from our balcony.

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