

Ask questions. Demand answers.

I am proud to be an American, and I am sad for all the lives lost on 9/11. The terrorist attack on the twin towers is now history, but when I think about what I saw happen that day, there are a lot of things that don’t make sense to me. For example:

  • Why did the twin towers fall like they were brought down by controlled demolition? Each fell straight down at near free fall speed, which means the structure of the building was being taken out of the way as the top sections came down.
  • World Trade Center 7 barely got hit by any tower debris, only had a couple smoldering fires inside, and yet it came down in a controlled demolition manner also.
  • The impact hole in the pentagon was at ground level. How did a rookie Cessna pilot fly a Boeing 757 so perfectly to hit the 1st floor, but not touch the lawn on that side of the building?
  • The impact site of Flight 93 in Shanksville appears much too small for a Boeing 757 to have crashed there. The pictures of the crash site on that day show dry grass around the edge of the hole. Either that’s some special new instant growing grass, or the hole was dug there ahead of time.
  • There were five military “war games” taking place on 9/11, including simulations of hijacked planes being flown into buildings. Even top NORAD personnel were confused about which hijacked planes were part of the exercise, and which ones might be an actual hijacking. Coincidentally, during the 7/7 London bombings, a similar exercise was being run which simulated the same locations being bombed at the same time the actual 7/7 bombings occurred.

Why are there so many discrepancies in the official story of what happened on 9/11, compared to what we watched on TV? When will we know the truth? Or do we really want to know the truth on this event?