The Hungary Cookie

Calvin’s assignment for his Geography class was to research the country of Hungary.  One part was to find some interesting places in that country, and show them on a map.  There was also a way to get extra credit for this class by bringing in food from the country.  Put these requirements together and you get the Hungary cookie shown below, created by Calvin and his Dad.

Here is the Legend of the Hungary Cookie…

  1. Hortobagy National Park – Hungary’s first national park
  2. Debrecen – Calvinist College was founded here in 1538
  3. Heviz – Home to one of the largest thermal lakes in the world
  4. Aggtelek National Park – home to the largest stalactic cave in Europe
  5. Lake Balaton – Europe’s largest freshwater lake
  6. Budapest – Hungary’s capital and largest city
  7. Ernő Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube in Budapest
  8. Ópusztaszer – around 896 AD the common laws of the country were written here
  9. Pannonhalma Archabbey – one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary, founded in 996 AD

And here are the pictures…

Hortobagy National Park – Hungary’s first national park
Debrecen – Calvinist College was founded here in 1538
Heviz – Home to one of the largest thermal lakes in the world
Aggtelek National Park – home to the largest stalactic cave in Europe
Lake Balaton – Europe’s largest freshwater lake
Budapest – Hungary’s capital and largest city. Ernő Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube in Budapest.
Ópusztaszer – around 896 AD the common laws of the country were written here
Pannonhalma Archabbey – one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary, founded in 996 AD


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