Calvin Blocks a Penalty Kick

Calvin is the starting keeper on his high school varsity soccer team. Tonight he faced a penalty kick and was able to block it. Check out the video below. Go Calvin..!
Read More Calvin Blocks a Penalty KickThe Geerdts Family Blog
Calvin is the starting keeper on his high school varsity soccer team. Tonight he faced a penalty kick and was able to block it. Check out the video below. Go Calvin..!
Read More Calvin Blocks a Penalty KickCalvin’s high school soccer team started their season last week, and they are undefeated as of right now. 5 wins and 0 losses. Calvin is the starting goal keeper for the varsity team this season. Here is a sample of one of his many saves so far this season.
Read More Calvin’s Varsity Soccer Team is Undefeated (so far)We took a day trip today to Turkey Run State Park in Indiana. We wanted to experience Brood X Cicadas close up and personal. The cicadas were definitely there for us, and they were busy in the trees making their sounds. Lots of holes in the ground around trees and molted shells scattered around. A …
Read More Turkey Run State ParkToday was Calvin’s “first flight” as an airman in training. He actually flew a Piper Warrior 4-seater plane today, with an instructor next to him, and Mom & Dad in the back seat. The instructor did the take off and landing, but Calvin got to help take it up to about 3,000 feet and flew …
Read More Calvin’s First FlightToday we had some fun family time sledding at our local park. The hill is just long enough to be a fun ride down but not too long to walk back up. Calvin and Trevor went over the ramp that some other kids made, and there’s a video below of Calvin in the air (recorded …
Read More New Year’s SleddingCalvin played in his high school’s live concert this past Sunday, to a small audience limited at two people per band member, socially distanced in the high school gym. Here are a few pictures of Calvin, and you can watch the performance on the school’s Livestream channel (linked below).
Read More Christmas Concert 2020Today our Dept of Motor Vehicles changed the requirements for taking a road test, and allowed parent sponsors to verify their kid is OK to drive. Calvin was in the perfect spot in his path to getting a driver’s license, and all he needed was a road test. So Dan filled out the online road …
Read More Calvin Gets His Driver’s LicenseHope everyone is staying safe and healthy during the global pandemic. As we stay “safe at home”, we did get dressed up to watch our church’s online worship service today. Easter Sunday is our proof that Good Friday worked. Happy Easter to all of you..!
Read More Happy Easter..!We went indoor skydiving today at our nearest iFly. This was a new experience for Trevor, Calvin, and Jen. Dan had done this once before as a work team building event. If you don’t know what this is, you basically go inside a vertical wind tunnel and “skydive” by having the speed controlled wind blow …
Read More Indoor SkydivingOur varsity soccer team won their game today. A lot more offense was played, with good passing and enough goals to win. Calvin (goalie number 00) and Trevor (number 22) enjoyed the victory with the whole team. Trevor had some nice shots on goal, but didn’t score. Here are a few pictures from the game.
Read More Varsity Soccer Win